Yes, I am, and so are you. I totally haven’t blogged this week (okay, month), and few other Jewish bloggers have been taking their blogs as seriously as they should. Here are a few of the good guys who have kept at it against all odds…
By the way, if you’ve never enjoyed Haveil Havalim before, it’s a fantastic Jewish way to end/start your week. And/or year, if you hold by the Torah perspective that the year actually begins in the month of Nissan!
What is HH?
It’s a weekly roundup of what’s new and great in the Jewish / Israel blogging world. I host once a month to give you a taste of what other great blogs are out there that you might enjoy. Hopefully, you’ll find some new favourites.
Last week’s was skipped due to Yom Tov timing.
Next week’s carnival host is still TBA.
For more details, a complete schedule of future issues or to host an upcoming issue, please join the HH facebook group.
Don’t forget – the point of social media is… SOCIAL. Stop by and visit some of the other blogs listed here. Leave a comment to let them know you came from HH!
Normally, I divide these posts up by theme, but this week, let’s sort them by blogger. Why the heck not???
Who knows ONE??
One is… Batya of Me-ander and Shiloh Musings, pretty much the Number One driving force behind Jewish blogging today.
What’s she posting about this week, in between seder preparations?
Her totally Biblical hometown, Shiloh, and how it comes to life (in the Biblical sense?) over chol hamoed, in Passover, Pesach at Shiloh Hakeduma, Tel Shiloh.
Interested in seeing Shiloh for yourself? If you’re a woman in the centre of Israel, count on being there for Rosh Chodesh Iyyar (and just about every other month); find all the details at Visit Shiloh, Passover and Beyond...
By the way, if you’re navigating your way to Shiloh or anywhere else in Israel, you should know that Google Maps isn’t infallible. I’ve found out myself a few times, the hard way, and apparently, so has Batya, in a post called Google Maps Goofed!
Finally, what’s worse than Iran for Israel? She’s not pulling any punches in The "Palestine Bombshell," Worse than Iran for Israel – and how she’s been seeing it in a new light through the international news channels.
Who knows TWO??
Two is a very hard number when it means the second Pesach without your son, as Phyllis Sommer, the Ima on the Bima, notes in her bittersweet Snippets, musing about the last Pesach she spent with her boy Sam and the way her family is dealing with the loss.
Who knows THREE???
Three incredible Jewish bloggers you really must meet:
First up is Avivah Werner, and last week, she & her family celebrated moving into a new home after a few years in Karmiel. Of course, I’m sad that they’re not up north anymore, but incredibly happy that they’ve found a great new community. Find out all about it in Our warm welcome to Ramat Beit Shemesh.
Sure, he’s a rabbi, but more importantly, he’s the Rebbitzen’s Husband. This week, he shares with us an important lesson in The Tzaddik at the Seder? Is this really the missing “fifth son,” and if so, what can we learn from his omission?
Is there anyone who’s been at it longer and stronger than Jacob Richman? His blog posts are not as common as some but each one is informative and helpful, as are the rest of his sites? If you’re interested in stamps, or in Israel, you’ll want to check out his post on these New Israeli Educational Stamps.
Who knows FOUR????
Four is… I’m tired, and it’s been 4 hours since Yom Tov ended and I really, really must wash some dishes. Here are 4 final posts to wrap things up! :)
Raina, a new to me blogger I’m looking forward to enjoying over at A Jew in the Rain, shares Notes from Bryant Park and Zrizus: Notes from a Matzah Bakery. Yes, it’s not too late to think about matzah, even if I won’t be eating any anytime soon.
From the Lights of Rav Kook blog, a few thoughts to light the way to the seder, or – in this case – to help us look back and reflect on the Pesach that was in 17)HA’OROT-THE LIGHTS OF RAV KOOK: PESACH-FREEDOM AND LIBERATION.
From the Israeli Soldier’s Mother comes Baruch Dayan Emet - Blessed is the True Judge, a reflection on a tense situation and an important moral message.
And another Israeli mother at Beneath the Wings asks why we needed to suffer through two funerals last week in 2 Funerals.
That’s going to do it for this week… hope you had a peaceful Pesach and a restful Shabbat.
Oh, and if you blog about Judaism or Israel and you’d like to be included in a future Haveil Havalim (or even host one yourself!), please stop by our facebook group for more details.
Did I miss an incredible blog post this week? Feel free to tell me all about it in the comments section!
Thanks so much for hosting the recent Havel Havelim and all you have been doing for the blog carnival.