...It's a "batata". If you have more than one, they're called "batatot." isn't that fun to say?
This name pleases me more than you could imagine, because it's also its Latin name - well, ipomoea batatas, but we needn't be overly formal. No ambiguity, no calling it a yam - the Latin name just cuts right through all the indecision of living languages, straight to the heart of this little veggie's essence. g
Okay, the truth is, I've called it by its Latin name for years, at least, in my head. And now I can say it out loud, too, you know, given the right conversational opening. "looking for a decent price on an orange root vegetable? Well, walk right on past the carrots, my friend, because there's a deal right now on farm-fresh batatot, right over there in aisle three."
It's a bit beyond my current Hebrew abilities, but I'll learn; I'll learn...
Sent on the go in the Holy Land - please excuse my typos!!
Sent on the go in the Holy Land - please excuse my typos!!
"potato" with an Arab accent
ReplyDeletethey mix "b" for "p"