Just ordered a whole bunch of my books on the slow boat from CreateSpace, the publishing company I use. This is GREAT NEWS for any friends and fans here in Israel, because once they arrive, I can remail them to you at a significant savings over what it would cost to order these yourself.
These prices include mailing within Israel! Since the price to mail is the same up to 200g, I will take $1 off the price if you order any two books – or two of the same.
Outside of Israel, please check out this great twofer offer for my newest books!
(Click any cover to see full information and look inside the book on Amazon. To order, email me at Jay3fer “at” gmail “dot” com.)
Cover | Description | Price |
![]() Naomi Shemer: Teaching Israel to Sing | Acclaimed as the "First Lady of Israeli Song" and the author of unforgettable classics like Jerusalem of Gold (Yerushalayim shel Zahav), Naomi Shemer is almost unknown in the English-speaking world. Come find out what made her special. | $7 |
![]() The Marror Man | "Run, run, as fast as you..." Think you know the next line? Maybe not... as you'll discover in this lively Passover twist on a classic tale. | $7 |
![]() What Maya Wants to Be | There are so many things Maya wants to be when she grows up... what will she choose? Or does she really HAVE to choose? | $9 |
![]() Hashem Never Forgets | Faigy knows how old Buster is in dog years. But if a thousand years is like a minute to Hashem, then how old is Buster to Hashem? This is a story about memory, both ours and Hashem's, as Faigy learns that Hashem never forgets and always loves her... even after a thousand years. | $9 |
![]() Seven Special Gifts | Come meet the Seven Species! These five special fruits and two grains, the Shivat Haminim, are listed in the Torah in the book of Devarim. Now, these seven special crops come to life, with rhyme and full-colour illustrations, revealing the true plan behind Israel's delicious bounty! | $9 |
![]() Zoom! A Trip to the Moon | Come explore Hashem's amazing world by flying OUT of this world in a fun, fantastic erev Shabbat adventure. | $9 |
![]() We Didn’t Have An Etrog! | What? No etrog?? What will we do? It's just not Sukkot without a lulav AND etrog! These children have worked hard to grow their etrog... but even hard work isn't enough without a bit of patience and some help from Hashem! | $9 |
![]() Ezra’s Aliyah | Join Ezra and his family as they prepare for the journey of a lifetime - saying goodbye to family and friends and heading excitedly towards their new lives in the Land of Israel. Addresses children's common concerns about aliyah in a friendly, positive way. | $9 |
I think these are all great books that I’m proud of. Happy that I’ll soon be able to share them with folks here.
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